Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Saving Grace - The Zebra Umbrella

The Support Umbrella that I found at the IDF on the internet. I made many friends there that understood me. I didn't have to try to explain over and over again my anguish, they knew all too well and they received me with open arms! Just everyone who enters is received and offered all the information you could need or want on Primary Immune Deficiencies!

When I was first diagnosed with CVID, I searched for everything I could find regarding this disease that was ravishing my body and stealing the very breath from me. This is where I found a new kind of umbrella. An umbrella that would shelter me, no matter where, they were there... Zebra's. Beautiful, loving, kind, understanding, fierce and could also attack at any moment if needed! A strength I would grow to learn and people I would come to love and make life long bonds.

There is everything that you could ever need at the IDF, information even Dr.'s! They have committed themselves to bringing awareness and help to the world around us.

Check them out... you won't be disappointed! IDF

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